The Business Case for Work-Life Balance

Most of the time, when we hear about the importance of work-life balance, it seems to be from the employee’s perspective. Employees want work-life balance for a number of reasons, ranging from wanting to be able to spend more time with their families to having more time to travel or engage in their favourite hobbies. However, employers are just as concerned that their employees maintain a healthy work-life balance.

When your employees have work-life balance everyone wins because, ultimately, it can translate into optimized productivity and increased profits.  

Fewer sick days

When employees are overworked, they may feel stressed and their health may suffer as a result which may require them to take time off to recover. If they don’t take time off, they are often more likely to make mistakes which can lead to workplace accidents and translate to a loss of productivity and an increase in lost time.


Another result of over tired, over stressed workers is that they may let important issues slide, resulting in a decrease in productivity. When they have worked beyond their maximum capacity, they may be putting in more hours while accomplishing the same amount of work (or less!). 

Personal Development is Professional Development

Do your employees’ personal interests have anything to do with their performance at work? Actually, yes. You may be surprised to learn that one employee’s interest in online gaming is actually making them a better problem solver.  Another employee’s interest in running 5Ks is making them feel more confident, thereby increasing their sales numbers at work. When your staff has time to develop their personal interests and hobbies outside of the workplace, they frequently develop skills that are going to help your business as well. 

Family issues are left at home

Spending time with family and loved ones is important because it usually results in having healthier relationships. What does this mean for your business? It means that personal relationship issues are less likely to affect their work. Appropriate work-life balance helps them keep family issues at home and out of the workplace.

Attract and retain the best talent

Finally, let’s talk a bit about how promoting a culture of work-life balance is going to help you build the best possible team for your business. Today, more than ever, candidates care about the culture of your business. For many top candidates, culture is even more important than salary. By promoting work-life balance from within the workplace, you will be boosting the morale of your employees and fostering a more harmonious work culture.

If you would like assistance in promoting better work-life balance within your company, give the team at TeksMed a call today.