Continuing to Keep Employees Safe and Healthy During the Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has taken its toll on many of us, and employers have had to adapt in order to keep their employees safe and healthy. While data from around the world suggests that this may finally be coming to an end, it is still important that employers do everything they can to keep their employees safe.

The following are a few tips to help:

Continue to Follow COVID Protocols and Health Unit Guidance

We get it. After nearly two years of restrictions, we all have a little pandemic fatigue. But as an employer, it is still your duty to ensure you are doing what you can to protect your employees from COVID-19. And that means continuing to follow guidelines like maintaining social distance – and wearing masks when distancing is not possible.

You should also ensure that employees are being screened for symptoms or that they know how to self-screen.

Provide PPE for Your Employees

While many Canadians have collected an array of cute cloth masks over the past couple of years, some health authorities are now recommending that people stick to N95 or KN95 masks for optimal protection. To provide an added level of safety for your employees, consider providing these types of masks for them – and make sure they know how to fit them.

Offer Remote Work Options If Possible

Remote work has become increasingly common during the pandemic and many more companies are now able to provide this option to their employees. Having a remote-friendly work environment will allow employees who don’t feel comfortable yet coming into the office to continue to work.

It is also a good option for employees who may have minor cold and flu symptoms but who feel well enough to work. This can prevent any potential COVID-19 exposure to other employees.

And, if you do have employees that are working from home, remember to promote their safety there too by having safety policies in place, such as requiring a dedicated workspace, etc.

Discourage Presenteeism

We all know that we are supposed to stay home when sick. But do your employees really feel comfortable taking a day (or several days) off when they are in the midst of a major project?

Communicate to your employees that the health and safety of the team is more important than anything anyone is working on. Communicate that employees are expected to monitor for potential COVID symptoms and stay home if they are feeling unwell – for their safety and everyone else’s.

And if someone does come into the workplace with symptoms, send them home.

Promote Physical and Mental Health

Finally, remember that COVID-19 is not the only health concern that your employees may have despite being in a pandemic. Continue to promote other measures that encourage both physical and mental health.

For employees working from home, make sure that you or their immediate supervisor checks in on them from time to time to make sure they continue to feel connected to the team. Consider having team meetings or conference calls to check in on employees and offer any assistance they may need.

Contact TeksMed today

As an employer, it’s important to do your best to ensure that your employees are kept safe and healthy during the pandemic. But you’ll also need a plan for disability management. For help with that and return to work strategies, contact TeksMed today.