How Creating a Happy Workforce Can Help Mitigate Injuries

You are probably intuitively aware that by creating a workplace culture where employees feel engaged and happy, it will result in higher productivity, lower turnover, and improve your ability to attract top talent. But did you also know that when you have a happier workforce, it can also reduce and mitigate injury? In fact, happiness and safety have been shown to be interrelated: safer employees are happier, and happier employees are safer.

The relationship between a happy workforce and a safe workplace

One of the main reasons employers strive for safe workplaces (other than their legal obligation to do so) is to avoid employee absenteeism and claims on their workers’ compensation insurance. If employees are healthy, they are able to come into work and be productive, contributing to the bottom line of the company.

But good health leads to more than just good attendance. It has also been correlated linked to increased engagement in the workplace. Engaged employees have increased awareness, which could mitigate their risk of injury. These employees also contribute more and are more likely to offer suggestions or take actions that may lead to a safer workplace.

One study which explored the relationship between mental health and employee engagement found that when an employee’s basic psychological needs of relatedness, competence, and autonomy were met, they felt they had more control over outcomes and their professional growth. They were able to be better employees and perform more tasks and be better problem solvers.

Tips for creating a healthier and happier workforce

There are several ways that you can leverage your available resources in order to create a happier and healthier workforce. Here are a few tips:

  1. Invest in the workspace

The environment that your employees work in has a direct effect on their performance, as well as their health and happiness. A well-lit work area with good air circulation can help to improve their mood and help keep them more comfortable. Even a good ergonomic office chair can make a big difference and help employees from developing bad habits that could be harmful to their health – such as poor posture and slouching. You may even wish to invest in standing desks to help employees avoid the health problems often associated with sedentary jobs.

  1. Encourage breaks and time off

Some employees have a tendency to skip breaks and put off vacations as if it were a badge of honour to do so. But this can quickly lead to stress and burnout. As an employer, you should reassure your workforce that taking breaks is necessary both for an employee’s health and for their productivity. This way, your employees can have some downtime before coming back to work refreshed and motivated.

  1. Implement a wellness program

Wellness programs are a great way to engage your employees without the stresses of the daily grind. Depending on the people in your team, activities could range from yoga classes and eco-walks, to a company baseball or golf league. This will not only help to promote physical health, but help your employees build social connections with each other as well.

With more employees returning to work after the pandemic, it is more important than ever to create a safe and happy workforce.

Contact TeksMed today

While preventing injury should always be your first priority, it is important to have a plan of action for when injuries do occur. For assistance with disability management and return to work protocols, you can rely on the experts at TeksMed. Call us today to learn more.