How Flexibility at Work Can Create Stronger, More Productive Employees

As a business owner or company manager, you know how important boosting productivity can be to your company’s bottom line. Often, however, managers are at a loss as to exactly how to boost productivity. Employees today are often juggling multiple responsibilities and frankly on the verge of burnout. Getting more out of such employees can seem like an impossible task. One proven way to create happier and more productive employees is by offering flexibility.

What is flexibility?

In this context, flexibility is simply giving your employees more control over how and when they work. It could mean offering them a more flexible work schedule, or perhaps allowing them to work from home on occasion, or to take longer lunch breaks so that they can hit the gym and come back to work refreshed.

Flexibility could also mean making changes to their workspace in order to accommodate disabilities. For example, it might mean providing them with a standing desk, or a workspace in a quieter area of the building.

How does flexibility help employers?

Study after study has proven that when employees have more control over their schedule and work environment, they are happier and more productive. In 2016, a survey by FlexJobs showed that 84% of working parents valued flexibility over salary.

Some of the benefits of having flexible employees include:

Greater productivity.

Employees take less sick time.

Employees have more energy and actually put in more hours.

Employees are happier and more engaged at work.

It helps employers keep the best employees.


What can employers do to be more flexible?

Many employers would like to be more flexible but they are concerned that employees will take advantage and perhaps even become less productive. Consistently, however, this is not the case. Yes, you will likely have to put some guidelines in place to make sure that not everyone is working from home on the same day, but most employers find they can implement flexibility with great success when they follow these guidelines.

Focus On Results

Focus on results rather than on face time. Instill in your organization that results are more important than face time. If you have an employee that is able to get more done by doing some of their work at home, by taking longer or more frequent breaks, or by attending fewer meetings, encourage them to do so.

Overcome The Stigma

Many employees would like more flexibility, but are concerned they will be looked down upon or perhaps overlooked for promotion if they aren’t “seen” to be always in the office or at least always available by phone or email. Or if they have a medical condition, they may feel too embarrassed to ask for special accommodations in their workspace. This stigma needs to be overcome in order to protect your employees’ mental and physical health.

Give Employees Options

Remember that each employee is unique and no one is better suited to tell you what they need than they are. Some employees may be more productive working occasionally from home. Others may be more productive coming into work where they get more social interaction. Work with each employee as an individual as you develop your plan.

Contact TeksMed Now

By instilling a culture of flexibility in your workplace, you will promote stronger, happier, healthier, and more productive employees – improving your bottom line! For other ways to support your employees’ physical and metal well-being while saving you money, contact TeksMed today.