How Technology Changes Workplace Safety

Businesses must continually adopt new technologies in order to meet customer demand and keep up with their competition. But many of today’s technologies are not merely about boosting productivity or improving the bottom line – many new technologies are being implemented to improve worker safety.

Especially within industries that have a high risk of on the job injury, technology is being adopted to mitigate that risk. By reducing risk, companies experience the added benefit of improved morale, increased productivity due to less absenteeism, as well as lower premiums on their workers’ compensation insurance.

The following are a few of the more innovative ways that technology is impacting workplace safety:

Check In Technology

Keeping track of where your employees are at all times can seem unnecessary, but wearable technology can help keep them safe in the event of a building evacuation. Some of these technologies also include panic buttons which they can use in the event of a fall or some other emergency.

Projected Safety Signs

For businesses that require a lot of safety signage – particularly when the types and locations of the signage need to be changed on a regular business – projected safety signs are being adopted. Rather than repaint caution lines, put up new stop signs, and so forth, companies are investing in projectors that allow these warnings to be changed easily and cost-effectively.


It probably comes as no surprise that many businesses are using drones to capture photos and videos for marketing purposes. But drones have also been adopted as essential health and safety tools since they can go into dangerous areas to collect data. Drones can go into areas which would be too hot, too cold, too small, or otherwise too risky for a human employee.

3D Visualizations

3D visualization software helps employees to get a picture of an area in which they are about to work, and helps inform them of potential issues and dangers they might encounter. By helping workers to see what is involved on a given job site before they get there, they are able to make better judgements and reduce the risk of injury since they know what to expect.

AI-SAFE Cameras

Proper protective equipment such as eyewear, headwear, and footwear, is important for many on the job tasks, but as these tasks become routine it can be easy for an employee to forget. The AI-SAFE is a special video camera that can monitor persons entering and exiting an area while detecting whether or not they are wearing the appropriate safety equipment. It will then restrict access to those who are not compliant with the safety regulations in place.

Autonomous Vehicles

Autonomous vehicles are another technology that businesses are investing in to improve the safety of their workers. Driverless vehicles help to reduce human error through sensors and cameras that allow them to make appropriate lane changes and avoid potential collisions.


Contact us at TeksMed today

Companies have both a moral and legal duty to ensure the health and safety of their workers, and technology is helping them to do this more effectively than ever before. Even with cutting-edge precautionary measures, however, injuries and illness in the workplace are not entirely avoidable. If you are looking for ways to support your employees after a workplace incident, contact TeksMed today to learn how we can help.