How to Enhance Your Workers’ Safety with Signage

Proper safety signage in the workplace can help to keep everyone safe and give directions for what you’re supposed to do (or not do). However, if you don’t have any  — or enough — safety signs around the workplace, here are a few ways you can enhance the safety of your employees.

Consider the location

Signage can help your employees stay safe while on the job, but if they aren’t in the right place where employees will see them, they won’t serve their purpose. You want to ensure the signs are in a place where they are easily read and understood and won’t be damaged by the elements or easily torn down. Signs will not be effective at keeping your employees safe if they can’t see or read them.

You can also place signs for reminders in locker rooms or lunchrooms, so employees see the reminders for safety items around work instead of just in one spot. Meet with your health and safety committee to review all the places you have signs around the workplace and see where improvements could be made.

Consider alternatives to traditional signs

When we think of safety signage for employees, we think of traditional signs hung on walls. Still, alternatives to these conventional signs can also be incorporated into your health and safety efforts. In some cases, companies have turned to projected images on walls or floors as employees walk around the workplace. This allows employers to change the signage if needed, and it can increase the number of places employees will see these signs.

One of the benefits of projected images, as opposed to traditional paper or board signs, is that they won’t fade or tear, so your company won’t have to buy new signs every so often but rather invest only once in a projector.

Reminders while on the job

You may have invested in training for your employees, but reminders in the form of signage while on the job can be beneficial to keep everyone safe. For example, there could be a lot of rules and regulations to remember, so consistent reminders in the form of notices throughout the workplace for safety protocols can help keep your employees safe on the job.

It also helps employees to know when and where each safety rule applies on the job site.

Reflective surfaces in low-light areas

For some workplaces, like underground construction sites, the working area may have little to no light. Signs on reflective surfaces make them easy to spot and can help make the job site safer for everyone.


It may seem redundant to have signs posted for safety, but keeping your employees safe while on the job means they are less likely to get hurt, which means they won’t have to take time off work and affect overall productivity. So take the time now to ensure you have the proper safety signage around the workplace.

Contact TeksMed today

Even with the best signage and safety protocols in place, workplace accidents can still happen, and you need to be prepared. Contact TeksMed today to learn how we can help you develop your disability management and return to work programs.