How to Leverage Technology for your Disability Management Program

Technology is used to assist us in practically every aspect of our lives – and likely in practically every aspect of your business, from production to inventory tracking to accounting and payroll. But are you making the best possible use of technology when it comes to your disability management program? There have been many developments in the past several years that can save your company time and money, while also helping to ensure that your workers get the care and resources they need to help them recover and return to work. Here are a few ways you can maximize your disability management program by leveraging technology.

Streamline administration

Unfortunately the nature of disability management means there’s a lot of administration required: paperwork to complete, mail and faxes to send and reply to, papers to print and store, etc. If your business is still using paper forms and filling out documents by hand, it’s time for an overhaul. There are a number of programs available, for a variety of prices, that will allow you to digitize essentially the entire administrative process from start to finish. Most workers’ compensation boards across the country also allow for you to submit all needed information directly through their website.

We also encourage you to ditch antiquated forms of communication, such as snail mail and faxes. If you can, ask for your employees’ personal emails and cellphone numbers. Not being able to get information to and from injured workers in a timely manner can certainly lead to avoidable delays in return to work.

Virtual healthcare

One of the positive things that emerged from the pandemic was a wider recognition that not every medical consultation needed to take place in person. Some of the benefits of virtual healthcare include not having to take time off work, avoiding having to travel, and avoiding the discomfort of sitting in a doctor’s waiting room. And virtual healthcare doesn’t only include consultations for physical conditions either – it can also be used in many cases for therapy to help improve mental health as well.

Ensuring employees have access to virtual healthcare can have a positive impact on their physical as well as their mental health and help to reduce absenteeism. TeksMed’s QuikCare Mental Wellness program was developed by leveraging this exact technological enhancement, and is proven to ameliorate the mental health of those who participate in the program.

Disability management software

If your company is still using Excel spreadsheets and paper filing systems to track absences and manage return to work for injured employees, it is highly likely that workers are falling through the cracks and your company is losing money due to an inefficient system.

Today there are a number of disability management software options that can provide customized reports and analyze financial and operational information to help your company make better decisions that benefit both your employees and your bottom line.

Incident and injury trends can be tracked so that you can make positive changes to the workplace and boost morale, while processes can be put in place to help injured employees get the treatment they need, along with any required assistance to help them return to work more quickly.

For the success of the disability management program, it is vital that this kind of software is implemented thoughtfully and with an understanding of what aspects of claim management are important.

Contact TeksMed today

Leveraging technology in your disability management program can bring many benefits to both your business and your employees, from reducing administration and improving access to virtual healthcare to adopting disability management software that provides customized reports and analyzes data to help your company make better decisions. Therefore, it’s essential to keep up with technological advancements and invest in the tools to help you achieve the best possible outcomes for your employees and your bottom line. At TeksMed, we offer a range of services to help you navigate the complex world of disability management.

Are you ready to improve your company’s disability management program through the use of technology? We can help. Contact us today to get started.