How to Overcome Employee Absenteeism Issues

A certain amount of absenteeism in any workplace is to be expected. After all, when you are dealing with people, it is only a matter of time before the unexpected pops up – someone comes down with the flu or has to stay home to look after their child, for example. Then there are the more serious causes of absenteeism, such as a long-term disability or chronic mental health problems. And while the occasional employee absence is not usually a problem, it can grow into a much bigger issue.

Chronic absenteeism in the workplace can have serious consequences. It negatively impacts the productivity and the bottom line of the company. Additionally, employees may begin to resent their absent co-workers if they feel like they always have to pick up the slack.

So, what can management do to overcome absenteeism? Here are a few things to consider.

Consider remote work and more flexible work schedules

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many employers to offer remote work options – and some have done so with great results! Benefits of remote work may include reduced employee stress and improved productivity.

Allowing employees to work remotely or offering more flexible schedules can reduce their need to take a day off.

Have robust safety policies in place

Ensuring that employees have a safe workplace is a legal responsibility of all employers. But it can also go a long way toward reducing absenteeism since it minimizes the likelihood of on-the-job accidents. Ensure that all management and staff are trained in the safety protocols of their jobs and that they have the proper PPE available for each task that they perform.

Offer a return-to-work program for injured employees

If an employee is off work because of an injury, the mere thought of returning to work can feel incredibly overwhelming. They may wonder if they are still capable of doing their job and fear the consequences of not being able to. As a result, they may end up staying away from the workplace much longer than they actually need to.

With a return-to-work program, you can ease them back into their job – possibly reducing or modifying their duties to accommodate their injury. A return-to-work program goes a long way to relieve the anxiety that an injured employee might feel when coming back to work.

Offer a wellness program

When an employer provides for their employees’ physical and mental well-being, it makes for a happier and more productive workforce. And this means fewer sick days.

There are many ways in which a company may choose to offer wellness programs. It could be something as simple as providing an online hub of resources, or it could be something more involved such as providing healthy snacks or subsidizing gym memberships. There is a solution for companies of all sizes and all budgets.

Use absence management tools

Especially for larger workplaces, it may make sense to invest in software that tracks employee data and absences. This can allow you to identify trends and address them before they become bigger issues.

How TeksMed can help

If you are looking for ways to reduce absenteeism in your company, TeksMed can help establish disability management and return-to-work programs. Contact us today to learn more.