How to Reduce Absenteeism in the Workplace

When a workplace experiences unplanned absenteeism, it can negatively impact employee morale and hurt your company’s productivity and its bottom line. This type of absenteeism can be caused by a number of factors including injury, illness, personal issues, and emergencies.

As an employer, you won’t be able to eliminate all of the causes of unplanned absenteeism, but there are things you can do to help reduce them.

Implement a Wellness Program

A workplace wellness initiative has multiple benefits for both you and your employees. Not only can it help to reduce health-related absences, but it may also help to lower your premiums on your group health insurance. Additionally, it can help create a culture of wellness within your organization as it reduces employee stress and improves morale.

According to a report from 2018, 80% of workers felt stressed on the job, and nearly 50% said they needed help to learn how to manage their stress better. Since stress can lead to other serious health problems, including depression and heart disease, a program that helps to mitigate that stress can be extremely valuable in the workplace.

Offer Paid Personal Days

In addition to the requisite vacation time, many employers are offering paid personal days. Since absenteeism is often the result of employee burnout, additional paid personal time off can help to make employees feel happier and have a better sense of work-life balance.

Allowing employees time to take care of personal matters and recharge mentally can actually help to improve their productivity – making it a win-win for everyone.

Consider Flexible Working Hours

If the pandemic has taught us anything, it’s that the days of 9 to 5 are over. Allowing flexible working hours means that employees can spend more time with their family and work at hours that they are most productive.

Being able to work from home or having a hybrid set up where employees do some of their work from home and some from the office (or other worksites) also means that they are free to run errands, be there for their kids, let the contractor in, etc. without having to take a day off.

And if you’re concerned that this will reduce productivity, don’t be. According to a survey taken in 2020, two-thirds of managers who offered this kind of flexibility found that it increased (not decreased) productivity.

Improve Workplace Morale

If your employees don’t feel excited to come into work, it could contribute to absenteeism. Workplace satisfaction is a critical component of reducing absenteeism long term.

There are a variety of ways that you can improve morale, from creating a nicer work environment with inspiring artwork or a more comfortable breakroom to offering more professional development opportunities, team-building activities, and social events for your employees.

By building an organization and space where employees enjoy spending their time, you can help to mitigate absenteeism.

Encourage More Employee Engagement

Employees are more likely to feel satisfied in an environment where they feel they are contributing and making a difference. By fostering an environment where employees feel free to offer ideas and take on new projects, you’ll develop more engaged and productive employees.

Have Disability Management and Return to Work Programs in Place

Even though we implement programs and policies to help prevent illness and injury in the workplace, they will still sometimes happen. When they do, having a good disability management and return to work program in place will help take care of your employees and help them transition back into the workplace.

 Contact TeksMed Today

Taking steps to reduce absenteeism is an important part of keeping a productive workplace. For assistance with your disability management and/or return to work plans, contact TeksMed today.