Occupational Disability & Claims Management

Let TeksMed handle the complexities of disability claims management. Our dedicated team at TeksMed goes beyond standard claims management; we treat your valued employees with the utmost empathy and care, ensuring they feel supported throughout their recovery process. Contact us today to learn how we can tailor our services to meet your specific needs and help you save time and money.

See the Benefits of Our Program

Financial Savings

Reduced annual workers’ compensation costs by at least 50%

Increased Productivity

Productivity is improved by getting injured employees rapidly and safely back to work, which eradicates time loss

QuikCare World-Class Healthcare

TeksMed not only ensures that your employees receive the same standard of care as a top athlete, it’s paid for by us

Employee Engagement

Employee morale boosted by demonstrating that valued employees are treated with empathy and care, and not like robots

No Cost Legal Representation

In-person legal representation is provided to tackle appeal hearings, saving you time and giving you peace of mind

Reduced Administrative Burden

More time to focus on running your business while we focus on getting your employees back to work and managing their claims

Ready to Enhance Your Workplace’s Productivity?

Let TeksMed handle the complexities of disability claims management. Our dedicated team at TeksMed goes beyond standard claims management; we treat your valued employees with the utmost empathy and care, ensuring they feel supported throughout their recovery process. Contact us today to learn how we can tailor our services to meet your specific needs and help you save time and money.

Lost Time?

What is lost time? How does it affect your business? Lost time occurs when an employee suffers an injury or illness during the course of employment and requires time off work for recovery; in other words, innocent absenteeism, which can be brief or indefinite. Businesses in turn suffer at the operational and financial level from reduced productivity, increased administration, scheduling conflicts, as well as inflated workers’ compensation costs, which all affect their bottom line. Simply put, lost time costs everyone.

Lost time claims every year

The Solution

Fortunately, there’s a trusted industry-leading solution ready to deliver the care employees deserve, and the peace of mind that employers need. TeksMed offers a unique claims management solution that’s proven to mitigate lost time and its effects with a focus on employee health and ability. The WorkAbility program has benefited employers across Canada for 30 years— make up for lost time and inquire today! TeksMed saves businesses time and money, which helps employers focus on what’s really important: growing the business!

Comprehensive Custom Reports

An important component of a strong injury management plan is being able to measure its success. Operational and financial reports should be developed and analyzed on a regular basis; this information paves the way for internal discussion and positive change with respect to health and safety programs and initiatives. TeksMed can provide a wide range of custom reports developed specifically for your organization to assist with monitoring incident and injury trends, costs, and overall performance.



15 Weeks

Wait in Public System

16.2 Weeks

Wait in Public System

1 Week


0.5 Week



14.6 Weeks

Wait in Public System

1 Week



12.9 Weeks

Wait in Public System

0.5 Week


Research has repeatedly indicated that wait times for medically necessary treatment are not benign inconveniences. Wait times can, and do, have serious consequences such as increased pain, suffering, and mental anguish. In certain instances, they can also result in poorer medical outcomes — transforming potentially reversible illnesses or injuries into chronic, irreversible conditions, or even permanent disabilities.

“Waiting Your Turn: Wait Times for Health Care in Canada, 2023 Report”, Fraser Institute

Looking for More Information?

Download our complete WorkAbility Brochure. Enter your email to get your instant copy of our brochure!