Reopening and Staying Safe at Work During COVID-19

With an abundance of information on COVID-19 available from various sources, TeksMed is working to curate and provide you with information relevant to your business. We have put together an article that outlines the precautions that should be practiced in the workplace to limit the risk of infection, and is supplemented with resources on protecting the mental health of employees.

Click here to read the article “Staying Safe at Work During COVID-19”

While many across the country are beginning to make small, cautious steps toward returning to normalcy, it is important to stay vigilant and continue efforts in keeping our workplaces safe from COVID-19. Implementing and maintaining safe work practices will help us continue the positive results Canada has seen in flattening the curve.

Through our exclusive health network, TeksMed is pleased to offer additional COVID-19-related services that will help you ensure that your business’s shared spaces – and therefore its people, their families, and their communities – are as safe as possible.

In addition to supporting you through COVID-19 illness claims and providing informational resources, your organization is able to benefit from the following:

  • COVID-19 Testing
  • Screening by Onsite Health Technicians
  • Staff Training to Empower Your Team to Effectively Screen
  • Dedicated COVID-19 Phoneline

To learn more about the above mentioned QuikCare Health – COVID-19 services, click here.


Below are links to resources and tools, provided by various national and provincial sources, that will help your business prepare for the safe transition back to regular operations.

Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety:

Reopening for Business

Screening Tool

COVID-19 Tip Sheets

Workplace Safety & Prevention Services:

Free Pandemic Planning Webinar

COVID-19 Resource Hub


BC’s Restart Plan

Communicable Disease Prevention: A Guide for Employers

Guidance for Reopening

WCB Manitoba:

SAFE Work Manitoba COVID-19 Toolkit

COVID-19 and Workplace Health and Safety

Sector-specific COVID-19 Resources

CNESST Quebec:

COVID-19 Kit 

Daily Verification Checklist (French)

Workplace Reopening Checklist (French)

WorkSafe New Brunswick:

Embracing the New Normal

WCB Nova Scotia:

Work Safe for Life COVID-19 Resource Hub

Preparing to Reopen Nova Scotia

Working During COVID-19