Technological Advances In Health and Safety

Technological advances have over time transformed every industry, and have impacted the the efficiency and success of many business operations. Health and safety initiatives are no different. As workplace health and safety measures improve, workplace accidents and the resulting injuries or illnesses decrease. This translates into increased productivity, higher employee morale, improved company reputation, and even higher profits.

A wide range of tech has been introduced to the workplace, making workers safer on the job. In this article, we explore some of the latest developments.

Vehicle and fleet technology

Technology has made driving much safer in recent years. Dashcams in commercial vehicles, for example, can identify driver behaviour patterns. If a driver is showing signs of fatigue, the driver can be signaled that it is time to take a break.

GPS systems do much more today than simply tell a driver how to get from point A to point B. They can now be integrated with weather and traffic reports and provide real-time information that increases route efficiency and can help keep the driver out of potentially dangerous situations.

Other vehicle technology that helps to keep drivers safer includes sensors and cameras that allow drivers to keep a safe distance behind other vehicles and auto-stop technology that applies a vehicle’s brakes when a car in front slows down or stops suddenly.


Robotics is another technology in the workplace that is being used to advance health and safety. Robots can be used to help prevent all sorts of injuries by being used to lift heavy objects (preventing strains), lifting objects from heights (preventing falls), and used for tasks that require extended hours (preventing injuries associated with fatigue).

However, if you introduce robotics to your workplace, it is critical that your employees understand the potential hazards and are trained in the proper safety protocols for working with this type of technology.

Communication and data collection technologies

Communication has always been an essential part of health and safety procedures, and there is new technology that makes that easier than ever before. More and more businesses are implementing communication and collaboration software, that allows staff and managers to communicate instantly with any number of people in the organization.

This has been highly significant during the COVID-19 pandemic as workers can use websites and apps that allow them to report symptoms and possible cases. In cases where there has been suspected mass exposure to the virus, mass texts could be sent to those involved, urging them to isolate and get tested.

The effect that these types of technologies have had in preventing further outbreaks cannot be understated.

Online and digital training

Ensuring that workers are properly trained in health and safety protocol has always been critical. But with more and more employees still working at least some of their hours from home, it is becoming increasingly necessary to provide virtual training.

With the wide variety of virtual training now available, workers in almost any industry can access the training they need to meet provincial and federal safety standards from the comfort of their home computer.

Contact TeksMed today

Incorporating technology into your workplace can dramatically decrease the number of accidents and injuries that can occur. But when an accident does happen, it is essential to have a plan to help your workers get the medical care they need and help them transition back into the workplace as they recover. TeksMed can assist with this. Contact us today to learn more.