Your Disability Management Program Can Curb Employee Absenteeism

When employees are absent due to short or long-term disabilities, the cost to employers and organizations can be high, in terms of lost productivity and the bottom line.

One way to reduce this absenteeism within the company is to have a solid disability management program. However, to work at an optimal level, it is critical that such programs respond to workplace injuries and illnesses while taking measures that also help prevent and mitigate such injuries.

By adopting a proactive approach, companies can curb absenteeism by helping to prevent or reduce the severity of both physical injury and mental illness in the workplace. Three important factors in any disability management program are job accommodation, employee assistance programs, and health advocacy solutions.

Reducing Absenteeism Through Workplace Accommodations

When an employee takes time off due to an illness or injury, getting them back to work as soon as they are able is not only important to the company’s bottom line, but it can be a vital component of the employee’s recovery as well.

The longer an employee is on disability leave, the less likely it becomes that they will be returning to work. And the reason isn’t always what you think. Many employees who can return to work don’t because they believe they can’t. They may not realize that as an employer, you have a duty to accommodate them.

Communication with an injured employee is, therefore, a key component of having them return to work. By asking them what they need (such as modified duties, flexible hours, special equipment, or even a ride to work), you can help them realize that it is possible for them to return to work.

By accommodating injured employees, you allow them to remain on the job safely and help contribute to your company’s productivity.

Promoting the Value of Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs)

Another major cause of absenteeism in the workplace is chronic stress, problems at home, and mental illness. Unfortunately, many employers do not notice these problems are brewing until it is too late and the employee needs to take time off to recover. This is understandable since talking to one’s boss about mental illness is not something most of us would want to do!

Employee Assistance Programs or EAPs are often an under-utilized component of many company health plans. Having an EAP in place allows employees to receive confidential counselling.

By having an EAP as part of your employee benefits and promoting its use, you can help employees get the assistance they need in the early stages before a crisis occurs.

Health Advocacy and Assistance

If you have ever tried to see a specialist, you know that it can sometimes take weeks or even months. But we know that the longer an injury or physical condition goes undiagnosed or untreated, the longer it can take to recover. And if you have an injured employee, this equates to more absenteeism.

Programs such as QuikCare Platinum from TeksMed can help injured employees gain access to diagnostic tests and specialists in less time than they might be able to on their own.

With this kind of advocacy and assistance, health issues can be resolved more quickly and allow the employee to return to work faster.

Contact TeksMed today

If you would like to take the first step in curbing absenteeism through a disability management program, we can help. Contact TeksMed today to learn more.