Do your employees know how to perform a proper COVID assessment? Prepare them with QuikCare Health

Even as vaccines are rolling out and pandemic restrictions begin to lift, the risk of contracting the COVID-19 virus is still a threat. As employees begin to return to work, it is the duty of every employer to do what they can to keep their team safe.

Most Canadians spend at least a third of their time at work, so it is imperative that preventive measures such as mask wearing, social distancing, etc. remain in place. Equally – or perhaps even more importantly – they need to ensure that workers are not coming in sick. And this means making sure that your employees know how to conduct a proper COVID-19 assessment.

Introducing COVID screening with QuikCare Health

The team at TeksMed have been busy preparing a variety of COVID-19 screening services to help keep you and your employees safe on the job site. Many people who contract COVID have only mild symptoms or they may even be asymptomatic, but that doesn’t mean they can’t transmit the disease to others making them very sick. Having proper assessment tools in your workplace is critical to ensuring that an infected person doesn’t unknowingly start an outbreak at your workplace.

The following are some of the screening options available with QuikCare Health.

COVID-19 Testing

Through a simple and painless saliva test, your employees can get tested for the presence of the coronavirus RNA. Results are determined in an accredited laboratory and can be ready within 48-72 hours.

This will allow employers to make informed decisions about when an employee is ready to return to work.

Screening by Onsite Health Technicians

Screening of all employees can also be done by professional onsite health technicians before workers even enter the workplace. This includes taking temperatures and asking a series of questions to determine whether workers are likely to have come in contact with the virus. Based on the data they collect, healthcare technicians can determine whether to allow employees into the workplace.

Train your Staff to Conduct Screenings

We realize that not every workplace wants or can afford to have third party health professionals onsite everyday. So, we also offer an option to have medical professionals train your staff to properly conduct COVID screenings themselves.

This includes providing them with the resources they need to stay safe and healthy during the pandemic.

COVID Support Line

Finally, we also offer a 24/7 COVID support line that your employees can call to speak with a health professional so they can report symptoms and get instructions on next steps. These professionals can also provide advice on screening employees, proper thermometer technique, tips for self-isolation, and general education concerning COVID-19.

Contact us Today to Get Started

Ensuring that your employees know how to conduct a proper COVID-19 screening will keep them safe in the workplace, and will help to relieve the anxiety that many may be feeling about coming back to work after the lockdown has ended.

For more information on our services related to COVID-19, contact us today.