The Importance of Taking Vacation Days from Work
With the holidays coming up, taking a little much needed and deserved vacation is on the minds of many workers. But did you know that many employees in North America never take their...
How Flexibility at Work Can Create Stronger, More Productive Employees
As a business owner or company manager, you know how important boosting productivity can be to your company’s bottom line. Often, however, managers are at a loss as to exactly how to...
Canadian Workers’ Compensation Digest
Occupational health and safety is an ever-changing field, with policies, regulations and best practices evaluated regularly to ensure that workers’ compensation boards across Canada...
Accommodation: What it Means and How Employers Can Accommodate Employees
According to Canadian Human Rights legislation, employers have a duty to accommodate employees that may have a physical or a mental disability. Accommodation simply means that you...
Happy Employees = Happy Employers | Our Top Tips for Happier Employees
It should come as no surprise that happy employees are more motivated and more productive than unhappy employees. For a business, happy employees ultimately contribute to greater...
What Hierarchy? The Importance of a Level Playing Field at Work for Mental Health
Many workplaces have strictly ingrained hierarchies, and indeed this can make sense in certain areas where there is a need for a reporting structure, quality control, and so forth....
Benefits of First Aid Training in the Workplace
You are probably aware that first aid training can save someone’s life or mitigate the effects of an accident or medical emergency, but did you know that offering your employees first...
Why You Need to Speak to Your Employees About Health and Safety
Health and safety in the workplace is everyone’s responsibility. The more engaged your employees are in the process, the more invested they are in the outcome - resulting in a safer...
Creating a Post-Incident Policy
Most businesses and organizations do their best to prevent work-related accidents. But even the most safety-conscious of workplaces is not completely immune to on the job incidents....
Tips for Incident Reporting
When an accident occurs in the workplace, your first thought usually isn’t how you are going to handle the paperwork. Hopefully, your first thought is making sure the accident victim...
Heat Stress and Summer Safety
While many of us love the summer heat and the activities it brings, such as days on the beach or enjoying time with friends on your favourite patio, the high temperatures of summer...
Why Taking Office Breaks is Even More Important Than You Think
There is a misconception among many office workers, that they are simply too busy to take breaks at work. In many cases, even the lunch break becomes a sad scene of an employee...
Five Practices Employers Can Use to Tackle Absenteeism
Employee absences can mean huge costs for businesses in terms of lost productivity and company morale – not to mention the costs of having to train and pay temporary workers when an...
Disability Management and the Rise in Technology: What Does it Mean for Employers?
From improving manufacturing processes to keeping the books, advances in technology have made our businesses more competitive and also more productive. So why should disability...
Office Ergonomics Standards for the Workplace
Office ergonomics is something that most employers don’t think much about. However, if they realized how much of a difference that ergonomics could make to their bottom line, it would...
Are you ready for WSIB’s New Rate Framework?
The Workplace Safety & Insurance Board (WSIB) has finalized and released the changes to the premium rate setting system used in Ontario. Currently, the WSIB uses either NEER,...
How Much is Workers’ Compensation Really Costing Your Business
If you want to know how much your company is paying in Workers’ Compensation premiums, obtaining that number is as simple as picking up the phone and speaking to your bookkeeper or HR...
Cannabis in the Workplace: What Employers Need to Know
Over the last several years, medical cannabis has become a popular alternative to many potentially more dangerous prescription drugs such as opioids, and now that recreational...